Plan miasta Gumri

Gumri - Najnowsze wiadomości:

Antoine Terjanian's letters from Armenia: Letter 06: Sound and ...

I will share with you my impressions of a visit to Kyumri (sometimes written Gyumri or Gumri). Kyumri used to be Armenia's second largest city before it was destroyed by the earthquake of December 1988, for which we have collected money .... I am convinced the local hotels can fork-out some funds to help set it up. After all they will benefit from tourists staying overnight in Kyumri. Will the Mayor of Kyumri and the Governor of the Shiragui Marz offer the fortress to the ...
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Gyumri Volunteer Coordinator - Depi Hayk Foundation - ARMENIA

The coordinator will work in conjunction with the staff to design the Gyumri 2010 summer program, to take the lead role in the implementation of program services, oversee volunteer needs, ensure customer service satisfaction of the volunteer base, and participate in the review of the program. Job responsibilities: - Act as the liaison between Depi Hayk staff in Yerevan and Gyumri based volunteers. -Work with Yerevan staff to coordinate all volunteer ... Find a hotel ...
źródło: BlogSearch

ABJU (A to Z Alphabet) English to Roman English Translation Dictionary

gumRi(f.) knubble: v.t. ghuu?sa maarna/khaT khaTaana knuckle: v.t. maarna/thap thapaana knuckle: n. gaTTa/gaa?Th/joR/por knucklebone: n. ba?d a?guSHt/por/u?gli key joR waali haDDi knuckle down: ghuTney key bal jhukna knuckle head: n. aeHmaq /bey waquuf aadmi/laGHw ......vacation: n. chhuTTi(f.)/mohlat(f.)/ruKHsat(f.)/ ta^tiil(f.)/waqfah(m.) vacationist/vacationer:n. chhuTTi manaaney waala/ta^tiil guzaar/ ta^tiil guzaarney waala vactionless: a. bey ta^tiil vacationland: n. ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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